Below are links to the forms you must fill out for your ReOC application. We have provided guides to help you complete the CASA 101-06 application form. The Additional Information and Submission Checklist has a page for you to provide additional information not captured on the 101-06. We need that information to meet our CASA compliance requirements and to create a customized ReOC Operations Manual.
Download the four documents from the Company or Individual / Sole Trader block.
Company, Incorporated Association, and Government Applications
Application for RPA Operator Certificate – CASA Form 101-06
Guide to completing Form 101-06 – Company
Payment Form – Uncrewed Approvals Form UA-06
Additional information and submission checklist – Company
Individual / Sole Trader Applications
Application for RPA Operator Certificate – CASA Form 101-06
Guide to completing Form 101-06 – Individual
Payment Form – Uncrewed Approvals Form UA-06
Additional information and submission checklist – Individual
Registered Business Names
Registered business names can be listed on a ReOC. The names must be owned by the legal entity that the ReOC is issued to. You can check the registration status and ownership of a business name by running a business name index search on the ASIC website. Where a business name is owned by a trust, we are required to get a copy of the Schedule from the Trust Deed. The Schedule shows the name of the Trustee of the Trust. In these cases the ReOC will be issued in the name of the Trustee.
Partnership Applications
A partnership is a business arrangement where 2 or more people or companies enter into an arrangement to undertake some sort of business activity jointly. CASA does not allow ReOCs to be issued to a partnership due to the legal complexities of assigning responsibility. This is important for casa if there is a need for enforcement action in the future. Where the people or companies involved in a partnership want to obtain a ReOC, one of the partners will need to apply. There may need to be an agreement with the partners which defines the liabilities and indemnities of each of the partners.
Trust Applications
A trust is a structure where a trustee carries out the business on behalf of the trust’s members. It is not a legal entity which can be held accountable for the actions of the trustee. As such CASA will not permit a ReOC to be issued in the name of a trust. Where an applicant has a trust the ReOC is issued in the name of the trustee which is the company or person that undertakes the business. Where trusts are involved in a business structure, trading names are usually owned by the trust. If this is the case, we will need a copy of the Trust Deed Schedule which shows the name of the trustee. The Trust Schedule provides the link between the owner of the business name\s and the trustee.