Remote Operator Certificate

Uncrewed Approvals provides a sensible fixed price, no-nonsense and timely alternative means of obtaining your Remote Operator Certificate (ReOC). Uncrewed Approvals’ CASA approved delegate issues your ReOC, not CASA. Having an industry delegate issue your ReOC greatly streamlines the process and lowers the cost of obtaining your Remote Operator Certificate.

But to do this we need application information that is accurate and complete. We aim to issue ReOCs that we are processing within 14 days of receiving the completed application pack. This occurs in almost all cases where the application documents are complete and don’t require modification or correction.


We charge $1350 (inc GST) for supplying a customised, plain english RPAS Operations Manual, and assessing and issuing a Remote Operator Certificate.

Required documentation

Application Forms

To process your ReOC application we need a completed Form 101-06 and the applicable additional information form. 


We have developed a plain English RPAS Operations Manual which we provide as part of our service.

You can provide manuals that you have prepared yourself or obtained from a third-party provider. If you supply your own manuals, we charge an additional fee for reviewing them. To get a quote for the review, simply submit your manual.

It is essential that all manuals follow an approved CASA template. You must customize the template to include specific details about your operation.

You can access a CASA template using the link below. However, the template requires you to add several additional procedures to meet CASA’s standards. CASA provides a ‘Guide to Customising RPAS Operations Manual Template‘ on the same webpage. 

Supporting Documentation

We also need the following supporting documentation:

  • ARN confirmation from CASA for the applicant (individual, sole trader, trust, or company)
  • ARN confirmation from CASA for all of the senior personnel of the operator (Chief Remote Pilot, Maintenance Controller, Directors)
  • If the application is by a Trust – proof that the name of the Chief Remote Pilot or named principal of the business is shown in the Trust Deed
  • If the application uses a trading name – proof that the applicant owns the trading name.
  • A copy of the Chief Remote Pilot’s RePL.

Making Payment

You can pay for your application by using our online payment processor, or by direct deposit. Direct deposit details can be found on our payment details form.

Checking your application

We strongly suggest that you use our ReOC Application Submission Checklist so you are able to confirm that all of the required forms and supporting documents have been included prior to sending your application for processing.

Application submission

ReOC applications may be submitted by email, file share or post.

  • Please send email applications to
  • Additionally You can also submit your documents by uploading them to a folder on Dropbox, OneDrive, or Google Drive and sharing the folder with us. If this method feels unfamiliar, then it might be easier to use one of the other options.
  • For postal applications, send your documents on a USB stick to:
    Uncrewed Approvals, 160 Rochedale Road, Rochedale QLD 4123.

Also please note that we only accept applications in electronic format ( we are attempting to save the planet 1 tree at a time) and will NOT send the USB sticks back to you.