Go To | Weather | NOTAM | Definitions | Abbreviations

This page provides a comprehensive guide on decoding weather information, and terminology that is used in Aviation. Which is essential for pilots crewed and uncrewed and aviation professionals that inform them about changes or hazards that may affect flight operations. It covers:

  1. NOTAM Decoding:

    • This section includes links to automated NOTAM decoders, as well as an example of how to decode a NOTAM and a full list of acronyms that are used in NOTAMS which is available for download as a PDF.
  2. Aviation Abbreviations and Definitions:

    • Includes an extensive list of common abbreviations and acronyms used in aviation, providing their meanings, and offers downloadable PDFs for easy reference.
  3. Weather Decoding Guide:

    • A section dedicated to weather decoding, including weather products, symbols, abbreviations, and terms relevant to aviation meteorology, ensuring pilots understand how to interpret weather information.
  4. Aviation Definitions:

    • Provides definitions for terms frequently used in aviation, particularly within the remotely piloted aircraft systems (RPAS) industry.

This page serves as a valuable resource for aviation professionals, offering the tools to decode NOTAMs and the necessary terminology to understand aviation communications effectively.

NOTAM Decoding 

Notam Decoding Example 

C357/24 REVIEW C355/24


Detailed Breakdown

  1. NOTAM Number:
    • C357/24: This means it’s the 357th NOTAM for this location in 2024.
    • REVIEW C355/24: This indicates that it is an update or review of another NOTAM previously issued (C355/24).
  2. Subject:
      • OBST means “Obstacle.”
      • CRANE refers to the type of obstacle.
      • (LIT) indicates that the crane is illuminated.
      • 277FT AMSL means the crane’s height is 277 feet above mean sea level.
  3. Location Details:
    • BRG 256 MAG 2.3NM FM ARP:
      • BRG stands for “Bearing,” which in this case is 256 degrees magnetic.
      • 2.3NM means 2.3 nautical miles.
      • FM ARP: This means “From Aerodrome Reference Point,” which is a fixed point at the airport used as a reference.
  4. Surface Infringement:
      • INFRINGES means the crane is extending into the designated airspace.
      • INNER HORIZONTAL SFC refers to the inner horizontal surface of the airport, which is an imaginary plane established for obstacle clearance.
      • BY 83FT means the crane is 83 feet above the allowable height in that airspace.
  5. Time and Validity:
    • FROM 09 240139 TO 09 270600:
      • 09 240139 means it starts on September 24th at 0139 UTC.
      • 09 270600 means it ends on September 27th at 0600 UTC.
    • DAILY 2000-0600: This indicates that the crane is operational (and potentially a hazard) daily between 2000 UTC and 0600 UTC.

Final Decoding

  • “A lit crane, 277 feet AMSL, has been erected 2.3 NM from Archerfield’s aerodrome reference point at a bearing of 256° magnetic. It infringes the inner horizontal surface by 83 feet. The crane will be in place from 24th September 0139 UTC to 27th September 0600 UTC, operational daily from 2000 UTC to 0600 UTC.”

Key Considerations During Decoding

  1. Standard ICAO Abbreviations and Terms:
    • Familiarity with aviation terminology, acronyms, and abbreviations such as “RWY” (Runway), “OBST” (Obstacle), “AMSL” (Above Mean Sea Level), and “BRG” (Bearing) is essential for decoding.
  2. Time Conversions:
    • NOTAM times are usually provided in UTC, so understanding and converting these times is crucial, especially if different time zones are mentioned (e.g., EST). In this case, times were left in UTC since no explicit conversion was requested.
  3. Understanding Airspace and Obstacle Infringements:
    • Recognizing terms like “Inner Horizontal Surface” and how obstacles infringe on it helps assess the impact on flight operations. These surfaces are established to ensure safe clearance around aerodromes.
  4. Review and Update References:
    • The second NOTAM referenced a review of another NOTAM (C355/24), indicating that the situation had been updated or re-evaluated.

Why This Detailed Decoding is Important for Pilots and Operators

  • Safety: Accurate decoding of NOTAMs ensures pilots are aware of potential hazards, such as closed runways or obstacles.
  • Operational Planning: Knowing about runway closures or obstacles allows for better pre-flight planning, route adjustments, and safety protocols.
  • Compliance: Following NOTAM instructions is mandatory for safe and legal flight operations, especially for controlled aerodromes.

This complete breakdown showcases the importance of understanding the detailed language, terminology, and timing information in NOTAMs for effective flight planning and safety.

There area a few different websites that can decode NOTAMs for you such as DRORPILOT, however it is suggested to get familiar with decoding NOTAMs without this aid as there may be situations where it will not be accessible. 

Below is a list of abbreviations that included in NOTAMs additionally a PDF version can be downloaded HERE

Acronym Digital Notam Format Meaning 
A amber amber
A/A a/a air-to-air
A/G a/g air-to-ground
AAD assigned altitude deviation assigned altitude deviation
AAIM Aircraft Autonomous Integrity Monitoring Aircraft Autonomous Integrity Monitoring
AAL Above Aerodrome Level Above Aerodrome Level
AAR air to air refuelling air to air refuelling
ABI advance boundary information advance boundary information
ABM abeam abeam
ABN ABN Aerodrome Beacon
ABT about about
ABV …or above …or above
ACARS ACARS Aircraft communication addressing and reporting system
ACAS ACAS Airborne collision avoidance system

Area Control Center

ACCID aircraft accident notification of an aircraft accident
ACFT acft aircraft
ACK ack acknowledge
ACL ACL Altimeter check location
ACN ACN Aircraft classification number
ACP acceptance acceptance
ACPT accept accept
ACT active, activated, activity active, activated, activity
AD AD Aerodrome
ADA Advisory Area Advisory Area
ADC Aerodrome Chart Aerodrome Chart
ADDN additional, addition additional, addition
ADF ADF Automatic Direction-Finding Equipment
ADIZ ADIZ Air Defence Identification Code
ADJ adjacent adjacent
ADO aerodrome office aerodrome office
ADR advisory route advisory route
ADS the address the address
ADS-B ADS-B Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast
ADS-C ADS-C Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Contract
ADSU ADSU Automatic Dependent Surveillance Unit
ADVS advisory service advisory service
ADZ advise advise
AES aircraft earth station aircraft earth station
AFIL AFIL Flight Plan Filed in the Air
AFIS AFIS Aerodrome Flight Information Service
AFM affirm, affirmative affirm, affirmative
AFS Aeronautical Fixed Service Aeronautical Fixed Service
AFT after after
AFTN AFTN Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunication Network
AGA AGA Aerodromes, Air Routes and Ground Aids
AGL AGL Above Ground Level
AGN again again
AIC AIC Aeronautical Information Circular
AIDC air traffic services interfacility data communications air traffic services interfacility data communications
AIM Aeronautical Information Management Aeronautical Information Management
AIP AIP Aeronautical Information Publication
AIRAC AIRAC Aeronautical Information Regulation and Control
AIREP air-report air-report
AIRMET AIRMET Information concerning en-route weather phenomena which may affect the safety of low-level aircraft operations
AIS AIS Aeronautical Information Services
ALA alighting area alighting area
ALR alerting alerting
ALRS alerting service alerting service
ALS Approach Lighting System Approach Lighting System
ALT ALT Altitude
ALTN altn alternate (aerodrome), alternating (light colour)
AMA Area Minimum ALT Area Minimum ALT
AMD amend, amended amend, amended
AMDT AMDT Amendment (AIP Amendment)
AMS aeronautical mobile service aeronautical mobile service
AMSL AMSL Above Mean Sea Level
AMSS aeronautical mobile satellite service aeronautical mobile satellite service
ANC ANC Aeronautical Chart – 1:500.000 (followed by name/title)
ANCS ANCS Aeronautical Navigation Chart – Small Scale (followed by name/title and scale)
ANS answer answer
AO AO Aircraft operator
AOC AOC Aerodrome obstacle chart (followed by name/title)
AP airport airport
APAPI APAPI (to be pronounced “AY-PAPI”)Abbreviated Precision Approach Path Indicator
APCH apch approach
APDC APDC Aircraft parking/docking chart (followed by name/title)
APN apron apron
APP APP Approach Control Office OR Approach Control OR Approach Control Service
APRX aprx approximate or approximately
APSG after passing after passing
APU APU Auxiliary power unit
APV APV Approach Procedure with Vertical guidance
APV approve, approved, approval approve, approved, approval
ARC Area Chart Area Chart
ARNG arrange arrange
ARO ARO Air traffic services reporting office
ARP ARP Aerodrome Reference Point
ARP air-report air-report
ARQ automatic error correction automatic error correction
ARR arr arrive or arrival
ARS special air-report special air-report
ARST arresting arresting
ASAP asap as soon as possible
ASC ascend to, ascending to ascend to, ascending to
ASDA ASDA Accelerate-Stop Distance Available
ASE altimetry system error altimetry system error
ASPH asph asphalt
AT-VASIS AT-VASIS AT Visual Approach Slope Indicator System
ATA ATA Actual Time of Arrival
ATC ATC Air Traffic Control (in general)
ATCSMAC ATC Surveillance Minimum ALT Chart ATC Surveillance Minimum ALT Chart
ATD ATD Actual Time of Departure
ATFM ATFM Air Traffic Flow Management
ATIS ATIS Automatic Terminal Information Service
ATM ATM Air Traffic Management
ATN ATN Aeronautical Telecommunication Network
ATP at… time or place at… time or place
ATS ATS Air Traffic Services
ATTN attn attention
ATZ ATZ Aerodrome Traffic Zone
AUG AUG August
AUTH auth authorized, authorization
AUTO auto automatic
AUW all up weight all up weight
AUX auxiliary auxiliary
AVBL available available
AVG average average
AVGAS avgas aviation gasoline
AWOS AWOS Automated Weather Observation System
AWTA advise at what time able advise at what time able
AWY AWY Airway
AZM azm azimuth
B blue blue
BA braking action (not each word in upper) braking action (not each word in upper)
BARO-VNAV BARO-VNAV Barometric vertical navigation
BASE cloud base cloud base
BCN bcn beacon (aeronautical ground light)
BCST broadcast broadcast
BDRY bdry boundary
BECMG becoming becoming
BFR before before
BKN broken broken
BLDG building building
BLO below clouds below clouds
BLW below below
BOMB bombing bombing
BRF short short
BRG BRG Bearing
BRKG breaking breaking
BS commercial broadcasting station commercial broadcasting station
BTL between layers between layers
BTN between between
C C Centre (preceded by runway designation number to identify a parallel RWY)
C C Degrees Celsius (Centigrade)
C C degrees Celsius
CA course to an altitude course to an altitude
CAA CAA Civil Aviation Authority or Civil Aviation Administration
CAT CAT Category
CAT clear air turbulence clear air turbulence
CAVOK CAVOK Visibility, cloud and present weather better than prescribed values or conditions
CD candela candela
CDO Continuous Descent Operations Continuous Descent Operations
CDR CDR Conditional route
CF change frequency to change frequency to
CF course to a fix course to a fix
CFM confirm confirm
CGL circling guidance lights circling guidance lights
CH CH Channel
CH# channel channel
CHEM chem chemical
CIDIN CIDIN Common ICAO Data Interchange Network
CIV civil civil
CK check check
CL centre line centre line
CLA clear type of ice formation clear type of ice formation
CLBR calibration calibration
CLD cloud cloud
CLG calling calling
CLIMB-OUT climb-out area climb-out area
CLR cleared, clear, clearance cleared, clear, clearance
CLRD RWY cleared RWY cleared
CLSD close, closed, closing close, closed, closing
CMB climb, climbing to climb, climbing to
CMPL completion, complete,completed completion, complete,completed
CNL cancel, cancelled cancel, cancelled
CNS CNS Communications, Navigation and Surveillance
COM COM Communications
CONC concrete concrete
COND cond condition
CONS continuous continuous
CONST construction, constructed construction, constructed
CONT cont continue(s) , continued
COOR coor coordinate, coordination
COORD coord coordinates
COP change-over point change-over point
COT at the coast at the coast
COV cover cover
CPDLC CPDLC Controller-Pilot Data Link Communications
CPL current flight plan current flight plan
CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check Cyclic Redundancy Check
CRM collision risk model collision risk model
CRP Compulsory Reporting Point Compulsory Reporting Point
CRZ cruise cruise
CS CS Call sign
CTA CTA Control Area
CTAM climb and maintain climb and maintain
CTC contact contact
CTL control control
CTN caution caution
CTR CTR Control Zone
CUST customs customs
CVR cockpit voice recorder cockpit voice recorder
CW continuous wave continuous wave
CWY CWY Clearway
D downward downward
D Danger Area Danger Area
D-ATIS D-ATIS Data Link Automatic Terminal Information Service
D…. D…. Danger area (followed by Identification)
DA DA Decision Altitude
DCD double channel duplex double channel duplex
DCKG dckg docking
DCP datum crossing point datum crossing point
DCPC Direct Controller-Pilot Communication Direct Controller-Pilot Communication
DCS double channel simplex double channel simplex
DCT DCT Direct
DEC DEC December
DEG DEG Degrees
DEP DEP Departure (message type designator)
DEP departure, depart departure, depart
DEPO deposition deposition
DER departure end of RWY departure end of RWY
DES descend, descending descend, descending
DEST dest destination
DEV deviation, deviating deviation, deviating
DF DF Direction Finding
DFDR digital flight data recorder digital flight data recorder
DFTI distance from touchdown indication distance from touchdown indication
DH DH Decision Height
DIF diffuse diffuse
DIST dist distance
DIV divert, diverting divert, diverting
DLA DLA Delay (message type designator)
DLA delay, delayed delay, delayed
DLIC data link initiation capability data link initiation capability
DLY daily daily
DME DME Distance Measuring Equipment
DNG danger, dangerous danger, dangerous
DOF date of flight date of flight
DOM domestic domestic
DP dew point temperature dew point temperature
DPT depth depth
DR dead reckoning dead reckoning
DRG during during
DSB double sideband double sideband
DTAM descend to and maintain descend to and maintain
DTG date-time-group date-time-group
DTHR displaced THR displaced THR
DTRT deteriorate, deteriorating deteriorate, deteriorating
DTW dual tandem wheels dual tandem wheels
DUC dense upper cloud dense upper cloud
DUPE# duplicated message duplicated message
DUR duration duration
DW dual wheels dual wheels
E E Eastern Longitude
E east east
EAT expected approach time expected approach time
EB eastbound eastbound
EDA elevation differential area elevation differential area
EET estimated elapsed time estimated elapsed time
EFC expected further clearance expected further clearance
EFIS electronic flight instrument systems electronic flight instrument systems
EGNOS EGNOS European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service
EHF EHF Extremely High Frequency (30000 to 300000 MHz)
ELBA ELBA Emergency Location Beacon – Aircraft
ELEV elev elevation
ELR extra long range extra long range
ELT ELT Emergency Locator Transmitter
EM emission emission
EMBD embedded embedded
END stop-end stop-end
ENE east-north-east east-north-east
ENG engine engine
ENR ENR En route
ENRC ENRC Enroute chart (followed by name/title)
EOBT EOBT Estimated Off-Block Time
EQPT eqpt equipment
ESE east-south-east east-south-east
EST EST Estimate OR Estimated OR Estimation (message type designator)
ETA ETA Estimated Time of Arrival OR Estimating Arrival
ETD ETD Estimated Time of Departure OR Estimating Departure
ETO ETO Estimated Time Over Significant Point
EV every every
EVS enhanced vision system enhanced vision system
EXC except except
EXER exercises, exercising, exercise exercises, exercising, exercise
EXP expect expect
EXTD extd extend or extending
F fixed fixed
FA FA Course from a fix to an altitude
FAC fac facilities
FAF FAF Final Approach Fix
FAL FAL Facilitation of International Air Transport
FAP FAP Final Approach Point
FAS FAS Final Approach Segment
FATO FATO Final Approach and Take-off Area
FAX fax facsimile transmission
FCST fcst forecast
FCT friction coefficient friction coefficient
FDPS flight data processing system flight data processing system
FEB FEB February
FIC FIC Flight Information Centre
FIR FIR Flight Information Region
FIS FIS Flight Information Service
FISA Use ‘Automated FIS’ instead. Use ‘Automated FIS’ instead.
FL FL Flight Level
FLG FLG Flashing
FLT flight, flights flight, flights
FLTCK flight check flight check
FLUC fluctuating, fluctuation, fluctuated fluctuating, fluctuation, fluctuated
FLW follows, following follows, following
FLY fly, flying fly, flying
FM fm from
FM from from
FMC Flight Management Computer Flight Management Computer
FMS Flight Management System Flight Management System
FMU Flow Management Unit Flow Management Unit
FNA final approach final approach
FPAP flight path alignment point flight path alignment point
FPL FPL Flight Plan
FPM feet per minute feet per minute
FPR fligh plan route fligh plan route
FR fuel remaining fuel remaining
FREQ freq frequency
FRI FRI Friday
FRNG frng firing
FRQ frequent frequent
FSL full stop landing full stop landing
FSS flight service station flight service station
FST first first
FT ft foot/feet
FTE flight technical error flight technical error
FTT flight technical tolerance flight technical tolerance
G green green
G/A g/a ground-to-air
G/A/G g/a/g ground-to-air and air-to-ground
GA GA General Aviation
GA go ahead, resume sending go ahead, resume sending
GAGAN GAGAN GPS & Geostationary Earth Orbit Augmented Navigation
GAIN airspeed or headwind gain airspeed or headwind gain
GARP GBAS azimuth reference point GBAS azimuth reference point
GBAS GBAS Ground Based Augmentation System
GCA Ground Controlled APP Ground Controlled APP
GEN GEN General
GEO GEO Geographic OR True
GES Ground Earth Station Ground Earth Station
GLD glider glider
GLONAS GLONAS Global Orbiting Navigation Satellite System (to be pronounced “GLO-NAS”)
GLS GLS landing system GLS landing system
GMC Ground Movement Chart Ground Movement Chart
GND GND Ground
GNDCK ground check ground check
GNSS GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System
GOV GOV Government
GP GP Glide Path
GPA glide path angle glide path angle
GPIP glide path intercept point glide path intercept point
GPS GPS Global Positioning System
GPU Ground Power Unit Ground Power Unit
GPWS Ground Proxmity Warning Area Ground Proxmity Warning Area
GRAS ground based regional augmentation system ground based regional augmentation system
GRASS Grass Landing Area Grass Landing Area
GRVL gravel gravel
GS GS Ground Speed
GUND geoid undulation geoid undulation
H24 H24 Continuous Day and Night Service
HA holding/racetrack to an altitude holding/racetrack to an altitude
HAPI HAPI Helicopter Approach Path Indicator
HBN hazard beacon hazard beacon
HDF HDF High Frequency Direction-Finding Station
HDG HDG Heading
HEL hel helicopter
HF HF High Frequency [3000 to 30000 kHz]
HF holding/racetrack to a fix holding/racetrack to a fix
HGT hgt height or height above
HJ HJ Sunrise to sunset
HLDG holding holding
HLP heliport heliport
HLS heliport landing site heliport landing site
HM holding/racetrack to a manual termination holding/racetrack to a manual termination
HN HN Sunset to Sunrise
HO HO Service available to meet operational requirements
HOL HOL Holiday
HOSP HOSP Hospital Aircraft
HPA hPa hectopascal
HR HR hour
HS HS Service Available During Hours of Scheduled Operations
HUD head-up display head-up display
HUM HUM Humanitarian
HVDF HVDF High and Very High Frequency Direction Finding Stations (At the Same Location)
HVY heavy heavy
HX HX No Specific Working Hours
HYR higher higher
HZ Hz hertz
IAC IAC Instrument Approach Chart (followed by name/title)
IAF IAF Initial Approach Fix
IAO in and out of clouds in and out of clouds
IAP IAP Instrument Approach Procedure
IAR intersection of air routes intersection of air routes
IAS IAS Indicated Air Speed
IBN identification beacon identification beacon
ICAO ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization
ID ID Identifier OR Identify
IDENT ident identification
IF IF Intermediate Approach Fix
IFF identification friend/foe identification friend/foe
IFR IFR Instrument Flight Rules
IGA international general aviation international general aviation
ILS ILS Instrument Landing System
IM IM Inner marker
IMC IMC Instrument Meteorological Conditions
IMG immigration immigration
IMPR improving, improve improving, improve
IMT immediate, immediately immediate, immediately
INA intital approach intital approach
INBD inbound inbound
INC in cloud in cloud
INCERFA INCERFA Uncertainty Phase
INCORP incorp incorporated
INFO info information
INOP inop inoperative
INP if not possible if not possible
INPR in progress in progress
INS INS Inertial Navigation System
INSTL installed installed
INSTR instr instrument
INT intersection intersection
INTL intl international
IRS IRS Inertial reference system
ISA ISA International Standard Atmosphere
ISB independent sideband independent sideband
ISOL isolated isolated
JAN JAN January
JTST jetstream jetstream
KG kg kilogram
KIAS KIAS Knots indicated airspeed
KM km kilometer
KMH kmh kilometer per hour
KPA kPa kilopascal
KT kt knots
KW kW kilowatt
L L Left (preceded by runway designation number to identify a parallel runway)
L L Locator (See LM, LO)
LAN inland inland
LAT lat latitude
LCA local, located, location, locally local, located, location, locally
LDA LDA Landing Distance Available
LDAH LDAH Landing Distance Available, Helicopter
LDG ldg landing
LDI LDI Landing Direction Indicator
LEN length length
LF LF Low Frequency (30 to 300 kHz)
LGT light or lighting light or lighting
LGTD lighted lighted
LIH LIH Light Intensity High
LIL LIL Light Intensity Low
LIM LIM Light Intensity Medium
LITRE litre litre
LM LM Locator, Middle
LMT local mean time local mean time
LNAV LNAV Lateral Navigation (to be pronounced “EL-NAV”)
LNG long long
LO LO Locator, Outer
LOC LOC Localizer
LONG long longitude
LORAN LORAN LORAN (Long Range Air Navigation System)
LOSS airspeed or headwind loss airspeed or headwind loss
LPV LPV Localizer Performance with Vertical Guidance
LRG long range long range
LTA Lower Control Area Lower Control Area
LTD limited limited
LTP landing thr point landing thr point
LVE leave, leaving leave, leaving
LVL level level
LVP LVP Low Visibility Procedures
LYR layer, layered layer, layered
M M Mach Number (Followed by figures)
M m metre
MAA Max Authorised ALT Max Authorised ALT
MAG MAG Magnetic
MAHF missed approach holding fix missed approach holding fix
MAINT maint maintenance
MAP MAP Aeronautical maps and charts
MAPT MAPT Missed Approach Point
MAR at sea at sea
MATF missed approach turning fix missed approach turning fix
MATZ MATZ Military Aerodrome Traffic Zone
MAX max maximum
MBST microburst microburst
MCA Minimum Crossing ALT Minimum Crossing ALT
MCTR MCTR Military Control Zone
MCW modulated continuous wave modulated continuous wave
MDA MDA Minimum Descent Altitude
MDF medium frequency direction finding station medium frequency direction finding station
MDH MDH Minimum Descent Height
MEA Miminum ENR ALT Miminum ENR ALT
MEDEVAC MEDEVAC Medical Evacuation Flight
MEHT MEHT Minimum Eye Height over Threshold (For VASIS and PAPI)
MET MET Meteorological OR Meteorology
METAR METAR Aerodrome routine meteorological report
MF MF Medium Frequency (300 to 3000 kHz)
MHA Minimum Holding ALT Minimum Holding ALT
MHDF medium and high frequency direction finding stations medium and high frequency direction finding stations
MHVDF medium, high and very high frequency direction finding stations medium, high and very high frequency direction finding stations
MHZ MHz megahertz
MID mid-point mid-point
MIL MIL Military
MIN min minute
MKR MKR Marker radio beacon
MLS MLS Microwave Landing System
MM MM Middle Marker
MNM mnm minimum
MNPS Minimum Navigation Performance Specifications Minimum Navigation Performance Specifications
MNT monitor, monitoring, monitored monitor, monitoring, monitored
MNTN maintain maintain
MOA MOA Military Operating Area
MOC MOC Minimum Obstacle Clearance (required)
MOCA Minimum Obstacle Clearance ALT Minimum Obstacle Clearance ALT
MON MON Monday
MON above mountains above mountains
MOPS minimum operational performance standards minimum operational performance standards
MOV mov move , moving, movement
MPS mps metres per second
MRA Minimum Reception ALT Minimum Reception ALT
MRG medim range medim range
MS minus minus
MSA Minimum Sector ALT Minimum Sector ALT
MSAS Multifunctional Transport Satellite Satellite-based Augmentation System Multifunctional Transport Satellite Satellite-based Augmentation System
MSAW minimum safety altitude warning minimum safety altitude warning
MSG msg message
MSL MSL Mean Sea Level
MSSR MSSR Monopulse Secondary Surveillance Radar
MT mountain mountain
MTOM maximum take-off mass maximum take-off mass
MTU metric units metric units
MTW moutain waves moutain waves
MVDF medium and very high hrequency direction finding stations medium and very high hrequency direction finding stations
MWO MWO Meteorological Watch Office
N north north
N no distinct tendency no distinct tendency
NADP noise abatement departure procedure noise abatement departure procedure
NASC national AIS system centre national AIS system centre
NAT NAT North Atlantic
NAV nav navigation
NAVAID navaid navigation aid
NB northbound northbound
NBFR not before not before
NC no change no change
NDB NDB Non-Directional Radio Beacon
NE north-east north-east
NEB north-eastbound north-eastbound
NEG negative negative
NGT night night
NIL NIL None OR I Have nothing to send to you
NM NM nautical mile
NML normal normal
NN no name, unnamed no name, unnamed
NNE north-north-east north-north-east
NNW north-north-west north-north-west
NOF NOF International NOTAM Office
NONSTD nonstd non-standard
NOSIG nosig no significant change
NOV NOV November
NOZ Normal Operating Zone Normal Operating Zone
NPA NPA Non-precision approach
NR nr number
NRH no reply heard no reply heard
NSE navigation system error navigation system error
NSW nil significant weather nil significant weather
NTL ntl national
NTZ No Transgression Zone No Transgression Zone
NW north-west north-west
NWB north-westbound north-westbound
NXT next next
O/R o/r on request
OAC OAC Oceanic Area Control Centre
OAS Obstacle Assessment Surface Obstacle Assessment Surface
OBS obs observe, observed, observation
OBSC obscure, obscured, obscuring obscure, obscured, obscuring
OBST obst obstacle
OCA OCA Obstacle Clearance Altitude
OCA Oceanic Control Area Oceanic Control Area
OCC occulting occulting
OCH OCH Obstacle Clearance Height
OCNL occasional, occasionally occasional, occasionally
OCS Obstacle Clearance Surface Obstacle Clearance Surface
OCT OCT October
OFZ Obstacle Free Zone Obstacle Free Zone
OHD overhead overhead
OIS Obstacle Identification Surface Obstacle Identification Surface
OLDI OLDI On-Line Data Interchange
OM OM Outer Marker
OPC the control indicated is operational control the control indicated is operational control
OPMET OPMET Operational Meteorological (information)
OPN open open
OPR operator, operate, operative operator, operate, operative
OPS ops operations
ORD order order
OSV ocean station vessel ocean station vessel
OTP on top on top
OTS Organised Track System Organised Track System
OUBD outbound outbound
OVC overcast overcast
P Prohibited Area Prohibited Area
P… P… Prohibited area (followed by identification)
PA precision approach precision approach
PALS Precision Approach Lighting System Precision Approach Lighting System
PANS PANS Procedures for Air Navigation Services
PAPI PAPI Precision Approach Path Indicator
PAR PAR Precision Approach Radar
PARL parallel parallel
PATC PATC Precision Approach Terrain Chart (followed by name/title)
PAX pax passenger(s)
PBN PBN Performance-based navigation
PCD proceed, proceeding proceed, proceeding
PCL pilot-controlled lighting pilot-controlled lighting
PCN PCN Pavement Classification Number
PCT per cent per cent
PDC pre-departure clearance pre-departure clearance
PDG procedure design gradient procedure design gradient
PER performance performance
PERM perm permanent
PIB PIB Pre-flight Information Bulletin
PJE parachute jumping exercise parachute jumping exercise
PLA practice low approach practice low approach
PLVL present level present level
PN prior notice required prior notice required
PNR point of no return point of no return
POB persons on board persons on board
POSS possible possible
PPI plan position indicator plan position indicator
PPR PPR Prior Permission Required
PPSN present position present position
PRI primary primary
PRKG parking parking
PROB prob probability
PROC proc procedure
PROP prop propeller
PROV provisional provisional
PRP point-in-space reference point point-in-space reference point
PS plus plus
PSG passing passing
PSN position position
PSP pierced steel plank pierced steel plank
PSR PSR Primary Surveillance Radar
PSYS pressure system(s) pressure system(s)
PTN procedure turn procedure turn
PTS Polar Track Structure Polar Track Structure
PWR pwr power
QDM QDM Magnetic Heading (zero wind)
QDR QDR Magnetic Bearing
QFE QFE Atmospheric pressure at aerodrome elevation (OR at runway threshold)
QNH QNH Altimeter sub-scale setting to obtain elevation when on the ground
QTE QTE True bearing
QUAD quadrant quadrant
R R Right (preceded by runway designation number to identify a parallel runway)
R red red
R rate of turn rate of turn
R Restricted Area Restricted Area
R-NNN R-nnn Radial from VOR (followed by three figures)
R… R… Restricted area (followed by identification)
RA resolution advisory resolution advisory
RAC RAC Rules of the Air and Air Traffic Services
RAG ragged ragged
RAG RWY arresting gear RWY arresting gear
RAI RWY alignment indicator RWY alignment indicator
RAIM RAIM Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring
RASC Regional AIS System Centre Regional AIS System Centre
RASS Remote Altimeter Setting Source Remote Altimeter Setting Source
RB rescue boat rescue boat
RCA Reach Cruising ALT Reach Cruising ALT
RCC RCC Rescue Co-ordination Centre
RCH reach, reaching reach, reaching
RCL RWY centre line RWY centre line
RCLL RWY centre line light(s) RWY centre line light(s)
RCLR recleared recleared
RCP required communication performance required communication performance
RDH RDH Reference Datum Height
RDL radial radial
RDO radio radio
REC receive, receiver receive, receiver
REDL RWY edge light(s) RWY edge light(s)
REF ref reference to, refer to
REG reg registration
RENL RWY end light(s) RWY end light(s)
REP rep report, reporting, reporting point
REQ req request, requested
RESA RESA Runway End Safety Area
RFFS Rescue and Fire Fighting Services Rescue and Fire Fighting Services
RG range range
RHC right-hand circuit right-hand circuit
RIF reclearance in flight reclearance in flight
RL report leaving report leaving
RLA relay to relay to
RLCE request level change en-route request level change en-route
RLLS RWY lead-in lighting system RWY lead-in lighting system
RLNA requested level not available requested level not available
RMK rmk remark
RNAV RNAV Area Navigation (to be pronounced “AR-NAV”)
RNG radio range radio range
RNP RNP Required Navigation Performance
ROC rate of climb rate of climb
ROD rate of descent rate of descent
RON receiving only receiving only
RPDS reference path data selector reference path data selector
RPI radar position Indicator radar position Indicator
RPL RPL Repetitive flight plan
RPLC replace, replaced replace, replaced
RPS Radar Position Symbol Radar Position Symbol
RQMNTS requirements requirements
RQP RQP Request flight plan (message type designator)
RQS RQS Request supplementary flight plan (message type designator)
RR report reaching report reaching
RSC rescue sub-centre rescue sub-centre
RSCD runway surface condition runway surface condition
RSP responder beacon responder beacon
RSR RSR En-Route Surveillance Radar
RSS root sum square root sum square
RTE rte route
RTF radiotelephone radiotelephone
RTG radiotelegraph radiotelegraph
RTHL RWY THR light(s) RWY THR light(s)
RTN return, returned, returning return, returned, returning
RTODAH rejected take-off distance available, helicopter rejected take-off distance available, helicopter
RTS return to service return to service
RTT radioteletypewriter radioteletypewriter
RTZL RWY touchdown zone light(s) RWY touchdown zone light(s)
RUT standard regional route transmitting frequencies standard regional route transmitting frequencies
RV rescue vessel rescue vessel
RVA RWY Vectoring Area RWY Vectoring Area
RVR RVR Runway Visual Range
RVSM RVSM Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum
RWY RWY Runway
S south south
SALS Simple Approach Lighting Systems Simple Approach Lighting Systems
SAN sanitary sanitary
SAR SAR Search and Rescue
SARPS SARPS Standards and Recommended Practices ICAO
SAT SAT Saturday
SATCOM SATCOM Satellite Communication
SB southbound southbound
SBAS SBAS Satellite Based Augmentation System (to be pronounced “ESS-BAS”)
SD standard deviation standard deviation
SDBY stand by stand by
SDF step down fix step down fix
SE south-east south-east
SEB south-eastbound south-eastbound
SEC sec second
SECN section section
SECT sector sector
SELCAL SELCAL Selective calling system
SEP SEP September
SER service service
SFC SFC Surface
SGL signal signal
SHF SHF Super High Frequency (3000 to 30000 MHz)
SI SI International system of units
SID SID Standard Instrument Departure
SIF selective identification feature selective identification feature
SIG sig significant
SIGMET SIGMET Information concerning en-route weather phenomena which may affect the safety of aircraft operations
SIMUL simultaneous, simultaneously simultaneous, simultaneously
SIWL single isolated wheel load single isolated wheel load
SLP speed limiting point speed limiting point
SLW slow slow
SMC Surface Movement Control Surface Movement Control
SMR Surface Movement Radar Surface Movement Radar
SOC start of climb start of climb
SPI special position indicator special position indicator
SPL supplementary flight plan supplementary flight plan
SPOC SAR point of contact SAR point of contact
SPOT spot wind spot wind
SR SR Sunrise
SRA SRA Surveillance Radar Approach
SRE SRE Surveillance Radar Element of precision approach radar system
SRG short range short range
SRR SAR Region SAR Region
SRY secondary secondary
SS SS Sunset
SS sandstorm sandstorm
SSB single sideband single sideband
SSE south-south-east south-south-east
SSR SSR Secondary Surveillance Radar
SST supersonic transport supersonic transport
SSW south-south-west south-south-west
STA straight-in approach straight-in approach
STAR STAR Standard instrument arrival
STD STD Standard
STN stn station
STOL short take-off and landing short take-off and landing
STS sts status
STWL stopway lights stopway lights
SUBJ subj subject to
SUN SUN Sunday
SUP SUP Supplement (AIP Supplement)
SUPPS SUPPS Regional supplementary procedures
SVCBL serviceable serviceable
SW south-west south-west
SWB south-westbound south-westbound
SWY SWY Stop way
T temperature temperature
T-VASIS T-VASIS T Visual Approach Slope Indicator System
TA TA Transition Altitude
TA traffic advisory traffic advisory
TA/H TA/H Turn at an altitude/height
TAA Terminal Arrival ALT Terminal Arrival ALT
TACAN TACAN UHF Tactical Air Navigation Aid
TAF TAF Aerodrome forecast
TAIL tail wind tail wind
TAR TAR Terminal Area Surveillance Radar
TAS TAS True Airspeed
TAX taxiing, taxi taxiing, taxi
TCASRA TCASRA Traffic alert and collision avoidance system resolution advisory
TCH THR Crossing Height THR Crossing Height
TDZ TDZ Touchdown Zone
TECR technical reason technical reason
TEL tel telephone
TEMPO tempo temporary, temporarily
TF TF Track to fix
TFC tfc traffic
TGL tgl touch-and-go landing
TGS Taxiing Guidance System Taxiing Guidance System
THR THR Threshold
THRU through through
THU THU Thursday
TIBA Traffic Information Broadcast by Aircraft Traffic Information Broadcast by Aircraft
TIL until until
TIP until past… (place) until past… (place)
TKOF tkof take-off
TLOF tlof touchdown and lift-off area
TMA TMA Terminal Control Area
TNA turn altitude turn altitude
TNH turn height turn height
TOC top of climb top of climb
TODA TODA Take-off Distance Available
TODAH TODAH Take-off Distance Available, Helicopter
TOP cloud top cloud top
TORA TORA Take-off Run Available
TOX toxic toxic
TP TP Turning Point
TR track track
TRA Temporary Reserved Airspace Temporary Reserved Airspace
TRL TRL Transition Level
TROP tropopause tropopause
TT teletypewriter teletypewriter
TUE TUE Tuesday
TURB turb turbulence
TWR TWR Aerodrome control tower OR aerodrome control
TWY TWY Taxiway
TWYL taxiway-link taxiway-link
TYP type of aircraft type of aircraft
U/S unserviceable unserviceable
UA unmanned acft unmanned acft
UAB until advised by until advised by
UAC UAC Upper Area Control Centre
UAR Upper Air Route Upper Air Route
UDF UDF Ultra High Frequency Direction Finding Station
UFN ufn until further notice
UHDT unable higher due traffic unable higher due traffic
UHF UHF Ultra High Frequency 300 to 3000 MHz
UIC Upper Information Centre Upper Information Centre
UIR UIR Upper Flight Information Region
ULM ultralight motorized acft ultralight motorized acft
ULR ultra long range ultra long range
UNA unable unable
UNAP unable to approve unable to approve
UNL unlimited unlimited
UNREL unreliable unreliable
UTA UTA Upper Control Area
UTC UTC Coordinated Universal Time
VA VA Volcanic Ash
VA heading to an altitude heading to an altitude
VAAC VAAC Volcanic Ash Advisory Centre
VAC VAC Visual Approach Chart
VAL in valleys in valleys
VAN RWY control van RWY control van
VAR VAR Magnetic Variation
VAR visual-aural radio range visual-aural radio range
VASIS VASIS Visual Approach Slope Indicator System
VCY vicinity vicinity
VDF VDF Very High Frequency Direction Finding Station
VER vertical vertical
VFR VFR Visual Flight Rules
VHF VHF Very High Frequency [30 to 300 MHz]
VI heading to an intercept heading to an intercept
VIP VIP Very Important Person
VIS visibility visibility
VLF VLF Very Low Frequency [3 to 30 KHz]
VLR very long range very long range
VM heading to a manual termination heading to a manual termination
VMC VMC Visual Meteorological Conditions
VNAV VNAV Vertical Navigation (to be pronounced “VEE-NAV”)
VOL vol volume (followed by I, II…)
VOLMET VOLMET Meteorological information for aircraft in flight
VOR VOR Very High Frequency Omnidirectional Radio Range
VOT VOR airborne equipment test facility VOR airborne equipment test facility
VPA vertical path angle vertical path angle
VPT visual manoeuvre with prescribed track visual manoeuvre with prescribed track
VRB vrb variable
VSA by visual reference to the ground by visual reference to the ground
VSP vertical speed vertical speed
VTF vector to final vector to final
VTOL VTOL Vertical Take-Off and Landing
W west west
W white white
WAAS WAAS Wide Area Augmentation System
WAC WAC World Aeronautical Chart — ICAO 1:1 000 000 (followed by name/title)
WAFC world area forecast centre world area forecast centre
WB westbound westbound
WBAR wing bar lights wing bar lights
WDI wdi wind direction indicator
WDSPR widespread widespread
WED WED Wednesday
WEF wef with efffect from
WGS-84 WGS-84 World Geodetic System – 1984
WI within within
WID width width
WIE wie with immediate effect
WILCO wilco will comply
WIP wip work in progress
WKN weaken, weakening weaken, weakening
WNW west-north-west west-north-west
WO without without
WPT WPT Way-point
WRNG wrng warning
WS windshear windshear
WSPD windspeed windspeed
WSW west-south-west west-south-west
WT weight weight
WTSPT waterspout waterspout
WWW www worldwide web
WX weather radar weather radar
WX weather weather
X cross cross
XBAR crossbar crossbar
XNG crossing crossing
XS atmospheric atmospheric
Y yellow yellow
YCZ Yellow Caution Zone Yellow Caution Zone
YR yr your


Aviation Weather Decode Card

This Aviation Weather Decode Card provides a comprehensive guide to interpreting aviation weather reports, forecasts, and terminology. It includes a UTC conversion table, details on various weather products like SIGMET, ARFOR, TAF, TTF, METAR, SPECI, and ATIS, and explanations of weather symbols, abbreviations, and terms used in aviation meteorology. It serves as a quick reference for pilots and aviation professionals to understand weather conditions, forecasts, and alerts for safe flight operations. Weather Decoder Download.

Aviation Definitions

Aviation (like most industries) has a plethora of buzz words which are a source of constant intrigue to those outside of the industry. This page contains definitions for many of the regular terms used within the remotely piloted aircraft systems industry.

PDF Download can be found HERE.



Advisory Circular (AC)

An AC is a document produced by the CASA which provides guidance and clarification as to acceptable means of complying with the intent of a piece of legislation. ACs may be found on the CASA Advisory Circulars web page.

Aeronautical Information Package (AIP)

The AIP is a collection of documents including aeronautical maps, charts and other publications which is produced by Airservices Australia to inform pilots of operational information.

Approved area

The area approved under regulation 101.030 as an area approved for the operation of remotely piloted aircraft (RPA).

Aviation Reference Number (ARN)

An ARN is a number assigned to an individual or organisation for use when dealing with the CASA.

Authority controlling the area

The entity that has control and has been authorised to manage that type of airspace, e.g.:
Prohibited  – the secretary to the Department of Defence.
Restricted – the authority mentioned in the aeronautical information publication (as issued from time to time) as the controlling authority for the area.
Danger area – the authority mentioned in the aeronautical information publication (as issued from time to time) as the controlling authority for the area.

Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS)

BVLOS – Flying an RPA without the remote pilot having a visual line of sight at all times. Instead, the remote pilot flies the aircraft from a location remote from the aircraft and uses telemetry to determine the position of the aircraft and to command the aircraft. CASA approval must  be obtained for all BVLOS operations.

Civil Aviation Act (CAA)

Civil Aviation Act 1988

Civil Aviation Regulations (CAR)

Civil Aviation Regulations 1988

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations (CASR)

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998- the majority of rules pertaining to unmanned aircraft operations are contained within CASR Part 101.

CASA Licencing and Registration Centre (CLARC)

CLARC is the CASA section that deals with the issue  of pilot licences including the remote pilot licence.

Controlled Airspace (CTA)

CTA is airspace of defined dimensions within which an air traffic control service is provided to flights. Controlled airspace surrounds all of the capital city main airports and larger regional airports as well as the military aerodromes.

Control Zone (CTR)

The CTR is that portion of controlled airspace in the immediate vicinity of a controlled airport where the controlled airspace extends from the ground upwards. The control zone has a defined upper limit and usually has other controlled airspace immediately overhead.

Electronic Flight Bag (EFB)

An EFB is a software / hardware system which allows the storage of flight information and access to operational information and briefings.

Enroute Supplement Australia (ERSA)

ERSA is a document which contains information about registered and certified aerodromes and helicopter landing sites in Australia. It is important to note that ERSA does NOT contain information about all aerodromes and helicopter landing sites.

Extended Visual Line of
Sight (EVLOS)

EVLOS is a procedure whereby observers, located remotely from the pilot in command of an RPAS, are used to assist in keeping the aircraft in sight at all times during the operation and in providing separation from other manned and unmanned aircraft. The observers maintain communication with the pilot via radio or some other means throughout the operation. In theory, if sufficient observers with adequate communications systems could be deployed there would be no limit to the flight distance achieved under EVLOS. In practice however, these operations are difficult to co-ordinate and need extensive communications networks and highly trained and skilled crew to be safely conducted.

Helicopter Landing Site (HLS)

A HLS is any area that is used for taking off or landing of helicopters. It is important to note that the majority of helicopter landing sites do NOT appear of any official aeronautical chart but many of the regularly used ones are depicted by electronic flight bag mapping products. Most hospitals now have HLS associated with them.

Included RPA

An RPA operation that requires the pilot to hold a Remote Pilot Licence (or Unmanned Operator’s Certificate) and the operator to hold a Remote Operator’s Certificate (or Unmanned Operator’s Certificate).
Included RPA include:
all operations conducted outside of the Standard Operating Conditions (SOC); operations using aircraft with a maximum take-off weight if greater than 2 kg when operated over a third parties land; and
operations using aircraft above 25 kg maximum take-off weight when operating over the pilot’s own land.

Excluded RPA

Unmanned aircraft which may, when operated in accordance with a constrained set of operating conditions known as the Standard Operating Conditions (SOC) may be operated for commercial purposes without the remote pilot needing to hold a Remote Pilot Licence or a Remote Operators Certificate. CASR 101.237 defines excluded RPA.

Hazardous operations

A person must not operate an unmanned aircraft in a way that creates a hazard to another aircraft, person or property. Refer to CASR 101.055.

Hire or reward

The term adopted by CASA to define commercial UAV/UAS/RPAS use. Any form of remuneration for flying an unmanned aircraft in an aerial work operation (AWO), however small the AWO task, the reward or UAV; it constitutes ‘hire & reward’ and is therefore defined as commercial. Refer to CASR101.270.


Notice to Airmen

Populous area

An area with a sufficient population density that if a fault in, or failure of, the unmanned aircraft (or rocket) poses an unreasonable risk to the life, safety or property of a person in the area who is not connected with the operation. Refer to CASR101.025.

Standard Operating Conditions (SOC)

The SOC are a set of operating conditions which, if fully complied with, allow certain classes of RPA (typically sub 2 kg aircraft) to be operated commercially without the piot in command holding a Remote Pilot Licence (RePL) or Remote Operator’s Certificate (ReOC).
To comply with the SOC the:
·        RPA must be operated within visual line-of sight.
·        RPA must not be operated higher than 120 metres (400ft) AGL.
·        RPA must maintain at least 30 metres away from people who are not directly associated with the operation of the RPA (i.e. only the pilot and observer within 30 metres).
·        RPA must not be operated within 5.5km of the boundary of a controlled aerodrome.
·        RPA must not be flown over any populous areas. These can include:
beaches, parks and sporting ovals.
·        RPA must not be flown over or near an area affecting public safety or where emergency operations are underway (without prior approval).
·        This could include situations such as a car crash, police operations, a fire and associated firefighting efforts and search and rescue.
·        The operator may only fly one RPA at a time.

Remotely Pilot Aircraft Operator’s Certificate (ReOC)

A ReOC is the operating certificate issued to the operator (rather than the pilot) of a remotely piloted aircraft. ReOC were previously known as an Unmanned Operator’s Certificate or UOC (This is like the airline licence for drone operators)

Remote Pilot License (RePL)

A RePL is the license required for by the pilot of a Remotely Piloted Aircraft System

Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA)

An RPA is an unmanned airborne platform which carries sensor/s and/or payload during flight operations.

Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS)

The RPAS includes all of the pieces of equipment and resources used to to operate a remotely piloted aircraft. This includes the aircraft itself along with the ground control station, telemetry and communications systems, launch and landing equipment, sensors and other hardware and software used to operate the aircraft.

Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS)

This term is now generally replaced by “RPAS” or Remotely Piloted Aircraft System

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)

This term is now generally replaced by “RPA” or Remotely Piloted Aircraft

Unmanned Operator’s Certificate (UOC)

This is a superseded term which has been replaced by ReOC

Visual line of sight (VLOS)

Keeping the unmanned aircraft in visual line of sight at all times unaided (except for prescription glasses or sunglasses) without the use of binoculars, telescopes or zoom lenses i.e. not flying the into clouds or fog, behind trees, buildings or other (even partial) obstructions.


Aviation (like most industries) has a plethora of buzz words which are a source of constant intrigue to those outside of the industry. This page contains definitions of acronyms used in the Aviation Industry. 

PDF Download can be found HERE.

Acronym Definition
…T Bearing (true)
A Amber
A/A Air to air
A/G Air-to-ground
AAA Amended meteorological message
AAAA Aerial Application Association of Australia
AAC Airworthiness Advisory Circular
AACC Area approach control centre
AAD Assigned altitude deviation
AAIM Aircraft Autonomous Integrity Monitor
AAIS Automatic aerodrome information service
AAL Above aerodrome level
AAM Advanced air mobility
AAR Authorised Airworthiness Representative
AAR Actual Arrival Report
AAT Administrative Appeals Tribunal
ABAA Amateur Built Aircraft Acceptance
ABAS Aircraft Based Augmentation System
ABF Australian Ballooning Federation
ABI Airspace boundary information
ABI Advance boundary information
ABM Abeam
ABN Aerodrome beacon
ABT About
AC Advisory Circular
ACA Australian Commonwealth Authority
ACARS Aircraft communication addressing and reporting system (pronounced ‘AY-CARS’)
ACAS Airborne Collision Avoidance System
ACC Area control centre
ACCID Accident
ACD Airways clearance delivery
ACFT Aircraft
ACJ-XXX Advisory Circular Joint (issued by the JAA, can be followed by a country code)
ACK Acknowledge
ACL Altimeter check location
ACMA Australian Communications and Media Authority
ACN Aircraft classification number
ACPT Accept, accepted
ACROB Acrobatics
AD Airworthiness Directive
AD Aerodrome
ADA Advisory area
ADAO Authorised Design Approval Organisation
ADC Aerodrome chart
ADDGM Aerodrome diagrams
ADDN Addition, additional
ADF Automatic Direction Finding (equipment)
ADF Australian Defence Force
ADIZ Air Defence Identification Zone
ADJ Adjacent
ADO Aerodrome office
ADQ Adequate aerodrome
ADR Advisory route
ADS Automatic Dependent Surveillance
ADS-B Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast
ADS-C Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Contract
ADSU Automatic Dependent Surveillance Unit
ADZ Advise
AEP Aerodrome emergency plan
AER Authorised Engineering Representative
AERIS Automatic en route information service
AFAF Australian Future Airspace Framework
AFAP Australian Federation of Air Pilots
AFCS Automatic flight control system
AFIL Air-Filed Flight Plan
AFIS Aerodrome flight information service
AFM Aircraft Flight Manual
AFRU Aerodrome Frequency Response Unit (also known as a “beepback” unit)
AFS Aeronautical fixed service
AFT After
AFTN Aeronautical fixed telecommunication network
AFZ Australian fishing zone(s)
Ag Agriculture
AGA Again
AGD Attorney-General’s Department
AGL Above Ground Level
AH Artificial Horizon
AI Artificial intelligence
AIC Aeronautical Information Circular
AIDC Air traffic services inter-facility data communications
AIP Aeronautical Information Publication
AIP ENR Aeronautical Information Publication En-route
AIP ERSA Aeronautical Information Publication En-route Supplement Australia
AIP Gen Aeronautical Information Package (AIP) – General
AIP Gen Aeronautical Information Package (AIP) – General
AIRAC Aeronautical Information Regulation and Control
AIRC Aeronautical Information and Control
AIREP Air-Report
AIRMET Airman’s Meteorological Information
AIS Aeronautical Information Service
AL Approach Lights
ALA Aircraft Landing Area
ALA Alighting area
ALA Aircraft Landing Area
ALAEA Australian Licensed Aircraft Engineers Association
ALARP As Low as Reasonably Practical
ALERFA Alert phase
ALI Airworthiness Limitation Item
ALM Aircraft Landing Minima
ALR Alerting Message
ALRS or ALS Approach lighting system
ALT Altitude
ALTN Alternate
ALTN Alternating (light alternates in colour)
AMA Area minimum altitude
AMC/GM Acceptable Means of Compliance/Guidance Material
AMD Amend, Amended
AMDT Amendment (AIP amendment)
AME Aircraft Maintenance Engineer
AMO Approved Maintenance Organisation
AMP Aircraft Maintenance Program
AMPA Authorised Maintenance Personnel Assessor
AMRD Australian Maintenance Requirements Document
AMS Aircraft Maintenance Specialist
AMSA Australian Maritime Safety Authority
AMSL Above Mean Sea Level
AMSS Aeronautical mobile satellite service
AMT Aircraft Maintenance Technician
ANA Air Navigation Act. Administered by Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications.
ANC Aeronautical Chart 1:50,000 (followed by name/title)
ANCS Aeronautical navigation chart – small scale (followed by name/title and scale)
ANO Air Navigation Order
ANR Air Navigation Regulations. Administered by Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications.
ANS Answer
ANTA Australian National Training Authority
ANVIS Aviator Night Vision Imaging Systems
AO Air Operator
AOC Air Operator’s Certificate (AOC)
AOC Aerodrome Obstacle Chart (followed by name/title)
AOCM Air Operators Certification Manual
AOD Alcohol and Other Drugs
AOPA Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association
AP Airport
APAPI Abbreviated Precision Approach Path Indicator (pronounced ‘AY-PAPI’)
APCH Approach
APDC Aircraft Parking/Docking Chart (followed by name/title)
APF Australian Parachute Federation
APMA Australian Parts Manufacturer Approval
APN Apron
APP Approach Control
APRX Approximate, Approximately
APSG After Passing
APU Auxillary power unit
APV Approach with Vertical Guidance
AQZ Area QNH Zone
ARC Area Chart
ARFFS Aerodrome Rescue and Fire Fighting Service (sometimes referred to as RFFS)
ARFL Aeroplane Reference Field Length
ARFO Area Forecast (now called Graphical area forecasts (GAF))
ARH Aircraft Registration Holder
ARM Airspace Risk Model
ARN Aviation Reference Number – the number given to a pilot or engineer by CASA which appears on their licence.
ARNG Arrange
ARO Air traffic services reporting office
AROC Aircraft radio operator certificate
AROCOP Aircraft Radiotelephone Operator Certificate of Proficiencyv
ARP Aerodrome reference point
ARP Air-Report (message type designator)
ARQ Automatic error correction
ARR Arrive, Arrival
ARS Special Air-Report (message type designator)
ARST Arresting (specify (part of) aircraft arresting equipment)
AS Australian Standard
ASA Australian Skydiving Association
ASAC Australian Sports Aviation Confederation
ASAP As Soon as Possible
ASC Ascend to or ascending
ASDA Accelerate-stop distance available
ASE Altimetry System Error
ASEPTA Approved Single-engine Turbine Aeroplane
ASF Aviation Safety Forum
ASH Aviation Services Handbook
ASI Aviation Safety Index
ASI Air Speed Indicator
ASIR Aviation Safety Incident Report
ASPH Asphalt
ASR Area Surveillance Radar
ASRA Australian Sport Rotorcraft Association
ASSI Air Safety Support International- a wholly-owned subsidiary of the UK Civil Aviation Authority
ASTM American Society for Testing Materials
ASTRA Australian Strategic Air Traffic Management Group
AT… At (followed by time at which weather change is forecast to occur)
ATA Actual Time of Arrival
ATA Air Transport Association
ATA CSDD Air Transport Association Common Support Data Dictionary
ATC Air Traffic Control (in general)
ATD Actual Time of Departure
ATEL/ANAV Aeronautical Telecommunication and Radio Navigation Services
ATFM Air Traffic Flow Management
ATIS Automatic terminal information service
ATM Air traffic management
ATN Aeronautical Telecommunication network
ATP At time or place
ATPL Air Transport Pilot Licence
ATS Air Traffic Service(s)
ATSB Australian Transport Safety Bureau
ATSO Australian Technical Standard Order
ATSOA Australian Technical Standard Order Authorisation
ATTN Attention
ATZ Aerodrome traffic zone
AUF Australian Ultralight Federation (now Recreational Aviation Australia)
AUTH Authorised, Authorisation
AUW All Up Weight
AUX Auxiliary
AVBL Available
AVG Average
AVGAS Aviation Gasoline
AVM Abrupt Vertical Manoeuvres (by the MIL) (NOTAM or charts)
AWB Airworthiness Bulletin
AWIB Aerodrome Weather Information Broadcast
AWK Aerial Work (Air work – general aviation)
AWO Aerial work operation
AWS Automatic Weather Station
AWTA Advise as to what time is available
AWY Airway
AZM Azimuth
B Blue
BA Braking action
BAK Basic aeronautical knowledge
BASA Bilateral Aviation Safety Agreement
BASE Cloud Base (met)
BCFG Fog Patches (met)
BCN Beacon (aeronautical ground light)
BCST Broadcast
BDRY Boundary
BECMG Becoming
BFR Before
BIP-M Basic Instruction Package for Meteorologists
BIPMT Basic Instruction Package for Meteorological Technicians
BKN Broken (cloud descriptor) (met)
BL… Blowing (followed by DU=dust, SA=sand or SN=snow)
BLDG Building
BLO Below Clouds
BLW Below
BOM Bureau of Meteorology
BOMB Bombing
BR Mist
BRG Bearing
BRKG Braking
BRW Brakes release weight
BS Broadcasting Station (Commercial)
BTL Between Layers
BTN Between
BVLOS Beyond visual line of sight
C Centre (Runway)
CA Course Acquisition
CA Act Civil Aviation Act (1988)
CA/GRO Certified Air/Ground Radio Operator
CA/GRS Certified Air/Ground Radio Service
CAA The Civil Aviation Act 1988
CAA NZ Civil Aviation Authority New Zealand
CAAP Civil Aviation Advisory Publications
CAAP Civil Aviation Advisory Publications
CAGRO Certified Air Ground Radio Operation
CAMO Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisation
CAMP Continuous Airworthiness Maintenance Program
CAO Civil Aviation Orders
CAO Civil Aviation Orders
CAR Civil Aviation Regulations (1988)
CAR Civil Aviation Regulations (1988)
CAS Calibrated air speed
CASA Civil Aviation Safety Authority
CASR Civil Aviation Safety Regulations (1998)
CASR Civil Aviation Safety Regulations (1998)
CAT Clear Air Turbulence
CAVOK Cloud and Visibility OK
CB Cumulonimbus (met)
CBT Competency-based Training
CC Cirrocumulus (met)
CCA Corrected meteorological message (or CCB, CCC..etc. in sequence) (message type designator)
CCF Capability Check Flight
CCTS Circuits
CD Candela
CDCCL Critical Design Configuration Control Limit
CDI Course Direction Indicator
CDL Configuration Deviation List
CDN Coordination (message type designator)
CEN En Route and Area ATC unit
CEO Chief Executive Officer
CET Clearance Expiry Time
CF Change Frequency to
CFI Chief Flying Instructor (replaced by Head of Operations)
CFIT Controlled Flight into Terrain
CFL Cleared Flight Level
CFM Confirm, I confirm
CFP Current flight plan
CG Centre of gravity
CGL Circling guidance light(s)
CH Channel continuity check
CHG Modification (message type designator)
CHTR Charter
CI Cirrus (met)
CIDIN Common ICAO data interchange network
CIR Command Instrument Rating
CIT Near, Over Large Town(s)
CIV Civil
CK Check
CL Centre Line
CLA Clear type of ice formation
CLBR Calibration
CLD Cloud (met)
CLG Calling
CLIAS Climbing Indicated Airspeed
CLMAX Maximum Co-efficient of Lift
CLR Clear, Cleared to… Clearance
CLSD Closed, Close, Closing
CM (cm) Centimetre
CMB Climb to or Climbing to
CMPL Configuration, Maintenance and Procedures
CMR Certification Maintenance Requirements
CMSD Commissioned
CNL Flight plan cancellation message
CNS Communication, Navigation and Surveillance
COA Certificates of Approval (issued to maintenance organisations)
CofA Certificate of Airworthiness
COM Communication
CONC Concrete
COND Condition
CONS Continuous
CONST Construction, Constructed
CONT Continue(s), Continued
COOR Coordinate, Coordinated
COORD Coordinates
COP Change over point
CoR Certificate of Registration
COS Conical Surface
COT At the Coast, Coastal
COV Cover, Covered, Covering
CP Chief pilot
CPDLC Controller-Pilot Data Link Communication
CPL Commercial Pilot Licence. Commercial pilots may fly for hire or reward (with some restrictions)
CRC Cyclic redundancy check
CRIS Cost Recovery Impact Statement
CRM Crew Resource Management
CRZ Cruise
CS Call sign
CSDD Common Support Data Dictionary
CSU Constant Speed Unit
CTA Control Area
CTAF Common Traffic Advisory Frequency
CTAF(R) Common Traffic Advisory Frequency – (Radio)
CTAM Climb to and maintain
CTC Category Technical Competency
CTC Contact
CTL Control
CTN Caution
CTR Control Zone
CU Cumulus (met)
CUF Cumuliform (met)
CUST Customs
CVR Cockpit voice recorder
CW Carrier Wave
CWY Clearway
D Downward (tendency in RVR (Runway visual range) during previous 10 minutes)
D-ATIS Data Link Automatic Terminal Information Service (pronounced’DEE-ATIS’)
D… Danger Area (followed by identification)
DA Decision Altitude
DA/H Decision Altitude/Height
DAA Detect and avoid
DALR Dry Adiabatic Lapse Rate
DAME Designated Aviation Medical Examiner
DAO Designated Aviation Ophthamologist
DAP Departure and Approach Procedures
DASA Defence Aviation Safety Authority
DCD Double channel duplex
DCKG Docking
DCMSD Decommissioned
DCPC Direct Controller-Pilot Communication
DCS Double channel simplex
DCT Direct (in relation to flight plan clearances and type of approach)
DE Form (used to precede the call sign of the calling station) (to be used in AFS as a procedure signal)
DEC December
DEG Degrees (Compass)
DEP Depart, Departure, Departed, Departing, Departure Message
DER Departure End of Runway
DER Designated Engineering Representative
DES Descend to, Descending to
DEST Destination
DETRESFA Distress Phase
DEV Deviation, Deviating
DF Direction Finder/ Finding
DFDR Digital Flight Data Recorder
DFTI Distance from touchdown indicator
DGA Distance Measuring Equipment or Global Positioning Satellite System Arrival
DH Decision Height
DIF Diffuse
DISP Displaced
DIST Distance
DITRDC Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and
DIV Diversion, Divert, Diverting
DLA Delay (message type designator)
DLIC Data Link Initiation Capability
DLY Daily
DME Distance Measuring Equipment
DMEN DME (International)
DMEP DME (International Precision used in conjunction with Microwave Landing System)
DNG Danger, Dangerous
DoD Department of Defence
DOM Domestic
DP Dew Point Temperature
DPT Depth
DR Dead Reckoning (navigation)
DR… Low drifting (followed by DU=dust, SA=sand or SN=snow)
DRG During
DRMS Drone rule management system
DS Dust storm
DSB Double sideband
DTAM Descend to And Maintain
DTG Date-Time Group
DTHR Displaced Runway Threshold
DTRT Deteriorate, Deteriorating
DTW Dual tandem wheels
DU Dust
DUC Dense Upper Cloud (met)
DUPE This is a duplicate message (to be used in Aeronautical Fixed Service as a procedure signal)
DUR Duration
DVOR Doppler VOR
DW Dual wheels
DZ Drizzle
E East, East Longitude
E E E Error (to be used in AFS as a procedure signal)
EASA European Aviation Safety Agency
EAT Expected Approach Time
EB Eastbound
ECAR European Civil Aviation Requirement (formerly JAR)
EDTO Extended Diversion Time Operations
EET Estimated Elapsed Time
EFB Electronic Flight Bag
EFC Expect further clearance
EGNOS European Geostationary Navigation Overlay System
EGPWS Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System
EHF Extremely high frequency (30,000 to 300,000 MHz)
EHR Encumbrance Holder Register
ELBA Emergency locator beacon-aircraft
ELEV Elevation
ELR Extra Long Range
ELT(S) Emergency Locator Transmitter (Survival)
EM Explanatory Memorandum (submitted to EXCO with regulation amendment)
EM Emission
EMBD Embedded in a Layer (to indicate cumulonimbus embedded in layers of other clouds)
EMERG Emergency
EMS Emergency Medical Service
EMS Environment Management System
END Stop-end (related to RVR)
ENDCE Endurance
ENE East North-East
ENG Engine
ENR En Route
ENRC En Route Chart (followed by name/title)
EOBT Estimated off Blocks Time
EPA Environment Protection Agency
EPIRB Electronic Position Indicating Radio Beacon (marine term.)
EQPT Equipment
ER Here..or herewith
ERC En-route Chart
ERP Emergency Response Plan
ERSA En-route Supplement Australia
ES Explanatory Statement (tabled with regulations in Parliament)
ESD Electrostatic sensitive discharge
ESDE ESD equipment
ESE East Southeast
ESIR Electronic safety incident report
EST Estimate or estimated or estimate (message type designator)
ETA Estimated Time of Arrival, Estimating Arrival
ETCM Engine trend and condition monitoring
ETD Estimated Time of Departure, Estimating Departure
ETO Estimated Time Over significant point
ETOPS Extended range operations by turbine-engined aeroplanes
ETP Equi Time Interval
ETT Estimated Time Interval
EV Every
EVLOS Extended visual line of sight
EVTOL Electric vertical take-off and landing
EVU Enforceable Voluntary Undertaking
EXC Except
EXCO Executive Council
EXER Exercises, Exercising, to exercise
EXP Expect, Expected, Expecting
EXTD Extend, Extending, Extended
F Fixed (chart symbol)
FAA Federal Aviation Administration
FAA Federal Aviation Administration of the USA
FAA TSO Federal Aviation Administration (US) – Technical Standard Order
FAA TSO Federal Aviation Administration (US) – Technical Standard Order
FAAOC Foreign Aircraft Air Operator’s Certificate
FAC Facility, Facilities
FADEC Full Authority Digital Engine Control
FAF Final Approach Fix
FAL Facilitation of International Air
FAP Final Approach Point
FARs Federal Aviation Regulations (Federal Aviation Administration of the USA)
FATO Final approach and take-off area
FAWP Final Approach Waypoint
FAX Facsimile Transmission
FBL Light
FC Funnel Cloud (tornado or water spout)
FCL Flight Crew Licence/Licensing
FCST Forecast
FCT Friction coefficient
FD Fault Detection
FDE Fault detection and exclusion (in relation to GPS equipment)
FDL Fixed Distance Lighting
FDPS Flight Data Processing system
FDS Flight Director System
FEL Flight Engineer Licence
FEW Few (cloud descriptor)
FFR Flood, Fire Relief
FG Fog
FIA Flight Information Area
FIC Flight Information Centre
FIMS Flight information management system
FIO Flight Information Office
FIR Flight Information Region
FISA Flight information service (automated)
FISS Flight Information Service Station
FL Flight Level
FLD Field
FLG Flashing
FLIR Forward Looking Infra Red
FLR Flares
FLT Flight
FLTCK Flight check
FLUC Fluctuating, Fluctuation, Fluctuated
FLW Follow(s), Following
FLY Fly, Flying
FM From
FM… From (followed by time weather change is forecast to begin)
FMS Flight Management System
FMU Flow Management Unit
FNA Final Approach
FNPT Flight and Navigation Procedures Trainer
FOI Flying Operations Inspector
FPD Flight Plan Designator
FPL Filed Flight Plan Message
FPM Feet per Minute
FPR Flight Plan Route
FPV First person view
FR Fuel Remaining
FREQ Frequency
FRMS Fatigue Risk Management System
FRONT Front (relating to weather)
FRQ Frequent
FS Flight Service (in general)
FSA Flight Safety Australia
FSL Full Stop Landing
FSP Fish Spotting
FSS Flight service station
FST First
FT Feet
FTD Flight training device
FTE Full time equivalent
FTO Flight Training Organisation
FU Smoke
FXD Fixed
FZ Freezing
FZDZ Freezing Drizzle
FZFG Freezing Fog
FZL Freezing Level
FZRA Freezing Rain
G Gravity
G/A Ground-to-air
G/A/G Ground-to-air and air-to-ground
GA General Aviation
GA Go ahead, resume sending (to be used in AFS as a procedure signal)
GAAP General Aviation Aerodrome Procedures
GAMET Area forecast for low-level flights
GAPAN Honourable Company of Air Pilots, Australia, Inc.
GBAS Ground Based Augmentation System
GCA Ground Controlled Approach
GCN General Computing Network (operated by Airservices Australia)
GDOP Geometric Dilution of Precision
GEN General
GEO Geographic, true
GES Ground Earth Station
GFA The Gliding Federation of Australia
GFY Glider Flying
GHA Ground handling agents
GIVD Gravity Induced Vestibular Dysfunction
GLD Glider
GLOC Gravity Induced Loss of Consciousness
GLONASS Global Orbiting Navigation Satellite System (pronounced ‘GLO-NAS’)
GM Guidance Material
GMC Ground Movement Chart (followed by name/title)
GND Ground
GNDCK Ground Check
GNS Global Navigation System
GNSS Global navigation satellite system
GP Guiding principles
GP Glide Path
GP FLG Group Flashing (number) (used in conjunction with aerodrome lighting)
GPI Glide Path Intercept
GPS Global positioning system (see GNSS)
GPWS Ground proximity warning system
GR Hail
GRAD Minimum Required Climb Gradient
GRAS Ground Based Regional Augmentation System
GRASS Grass Landing Area
GRIB Grid point values in binary form
GS Groundspeed
GS Graupel (Small Hail and/or Snow Pellets – met)
GUND Geoid Undulation
H24 Continuous day and night service
HAA Helicopter Association of Australia
HAA Height Above Aerodrome
HAAMC Head of Aircraft Airworthiness and Maintenance Control
HALE High-altitude long endurance
HAM Head of Aircraft Maintenance
HAMC Head of Aircraft Maintenance Control
HAPI Helicopter approach path indicator
HAPs High-altitude pseudo-satellites
HAT Height Above Threshold
HBN Hazard Beacon
HDF High frequency direction-finding station
HDG Heading
HDS Hours of Daylight Saving (NOTAM)
HEL Helicopter
HF Human Factors
HF High Frequency (3000 to 30,000 KHZ)
HFEM Human Factor and Error Management System
HGFA Hang Gliding Federation of Australia Inc
HGS Heads-up Guidance System
HGT Height, Height Above
HIAL High Intensity Approach Lighting
HIOL High Intensity Obstacle Lights
HIRL High Intensity Runway Lighting
HJ Sunrise to Sunset (NOTAM or ERSA)
HLDG Holding
HLS Helicopter Landing Site
HMI Human-machine Interface
HN Sunset to Sunrise (NOTAM or ERSA)
HO Service available to meet operational requirements
HOFO Head of Flying Operations
HOO Head of Operations
HOSP Hospital Aircraft
HOTAS Head of Training and Standards
HOTC Head of Training and Checking
HP Horse Power
HPA HectoPascal
HR Hours
HS Service available during hours of scheduled operations
HSL Hold Short Lights
HUD Head Up Display
HURCN Hurricane
HVDF High and very high frequency direction finding stations (at the same location)
HVY Heavy (used to indicate the intensity of WX phenomena, eg HVY RA = heavy rain)
HX No specific working hours (NOTAM or ERSA)
HYR Higher
HZ Haze
HZ (hz) Hertz
HZS Horizontal Surface
IA Inspection authorisation
IAC Instrument approach chart (followed by name/title)
IAF Initial Approach Fix
IAL Instrument Approach and Landing Chart
IAO In and out of clouds
IAP Instrument Approach Plate
IAR Intersection of air routes
IAS Indicated air speed
IATA International Air Transport Association
IAW In Accordance With
IAWP Initial Approach Way-point
IBN Identification Beacon
IC Ice Crystals (MET code)
ICA Instructions for continuing airworthiness (issued by manufacturer or designer)
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization
ICE Icing, Ice
ICUS In-command Under Supervision
ID Identifier, identify
IDENT Identification
IF Instrument Flight
IF Intermediate Approach Fix
IFF Identification Friend/Foe
IFR Instrument Flight Rules
IFSD In-flight Shutdown
IG Implementation Group
IGA International general aviation
ILS Instrument Landing System
IM Inner Marker
IMC Instrument meteorological conditions (other than VMC)
IMC Indirect Maintenance Cost
IMI Interrogation sign
IMPR Improve, Improving, Improvement
IMT Immediate, Immediately
INA Initial approach
INBD Inbound
INC In Cloud
INCERFA Uncertainty Phase
INFO Information
INOP Inoperative
INP If not possible
INPR In progress
INS Inertial Navigation System
INSTL Install, Installed, Installation
INSTR Instrument
INT Intersection
INTER Intermittent, Intermittently (meteorological)
INTL International
INTRG Interrogator
INTRP Interrupt, Interruption, Interrupted
INTSF Intensify, Intensifying
INTST Intensity
IoA Instrument of appointment
IOC Indirect Operating Cost
IPC Illustrated Parts Catalogue
IREX Instrument Training Examination
IRM Immediately Reportable Matters
IRS Internal Reporting System
ISA International Standard Atmosphere
ISB Independent Sideband
ISIM Integrated Safety Investigation Methodology
ISO International Organization for Standardization (e.g. ISO9000)
ISOL Isolated
ITT Interstage Turbine Temperature
IWI Illuminated Wind Indicator
IWP Intermediate Way-point
J-BAR Jet Barrier
JAA Joint Aviation Authorities (of Europe)
JAR Joint Aviation Requirements (of the European JAA)
JAR-OPS JAR Operations
JARUS Joint Authorities for Rulemaking on Unmanned Systems
JTSO Joint Technical Standard Order
JTST Jet Stream
KDR Knowledge Deficiency Report
KG (kg) Kilograms
KHZ (kHz) Kilohertz
KM (km) Kilometers
KMH (km/h) Kilometers per hour
KPA (kPa) Kilopascals
KT (kt) Knots
KW (kw) Kilowatts
L Left (runway identification)
L Locator (see LM, LO)
LAAS Local Area Augmentation System
LAHSO Land and Hold Short Operations
LAME Licensed Aircraft Maintenance Engineer
LAN Inland
LAT Latitude
LDA Landing distance available
LDG Landing
LDI Landing Direction Indicator
LDP Landing decision point
LEN Length
LF Low Frequency (30 to 300 KHZ)
LGT Light, Lighting
LGTD Lighted
LIH Light Intensity High
LIL Light Intensity Low
LIM Light Intensity Medium
LIOL Low Intensity Obstacle Lights
LIRL Low Intensity Runway Lights
LJR Low Jet Route
LL Lower Limit
LLN Low-level Navigation (by the MIL)
LLO Low Level Operations (by the MIL)
LLZ Localizer
LM Locator (middle) see L and LO
LMT Local mean time
LO Locator (outer) see L and LM
LOC Locally, Location, Located, Local
LOE Lane of Entry
LONG Longitude
LOSA Line Operations Safety Audit
LPT Liquid Penetrant Test
LRCS Long-range communication system
LRG Long Range
LRI Line Replaceable Item
LRNS Long-range navigation system
LSA Light Sport Aircraft
LSd CASA’s Legal Services Division
LTD Limited
LUL Lowest Usable Level
LV Light and Variable (relating to wind)
LVE Leave, Leaving
LVL Level
LYR Layer, Layered
M Mach number (followed by figures ie .02 = Mach .02)
M (m) Metres (preceded by figures)
M/E Multi-engine
MAAT Manual Authoring and Assessment Tool
MAE Men and Equipment
MAG Magnetic
MAHWP Missed Approach Holding Way-point
MAINT Maintenance
MAN Manual
MAP Aeronautical Maps and Charts
MAP Manifold Air Pressure
MAPT Missed Approach Point
MAR At Sea
MAUW Maximum All Up Weight
MAWP Missed Approach Waypoint
MAX Maximum
MBST Microburst
MBZ Mandatory Broadcast Zone
MCC Multi-crew Co-ordination
MCM Maintenance control manual
MCQFS Manual of criteria for the qualification of flight simulators ICAO Doc 9625-AN/938
MCUR Mean Cycles Between Unscheduled Removals
MCW Modulated Continuous Wave
MDF Medium Frequency Direction Finding Station
MDR Major Defect Report
MEA Minimum En-route Altitude
MED Medical
MEL Minimum equipment list
MERSITAB Manufacturing, Engineering and Related Services Industry Training Advisory Body
MET Meteorological, Meteorology
MET REPORT Aviation routine weather report
METAR Aviation routine weather report (in aeronautical meteorological code)
MF Medium Frequency (300 to 3000 KHZ)
MHZ (mhz) Megahertz
MIFG Shallow Fog
MIL Military
MIL-STD Military Standard
MIN Minutes
MIOL Medium Intensity Obstacle Lights
MIRL Medium Intensity Runway Lights
MISC Miscellaneous
MKR Marker Radio Beacon
MLJ Military Low Jet
MLJR Military Low Jet Route
MLS Microwave Landing System
MLW Maximum Landing Weight
MM Middle Marker
MMEL Master minimum equipment list
MNM Minimum
MNT Monitor, Monitoring,
MNTN Maintain, Maintained, Maintaining
MOA Military Operating Area
MOC Minimum obstacle clearance (required)
MOD Moderate
MON Above Mountains
MOPS Minimum Operational Performance Standards
MOS Manual of Standards
MOU Memorandum of understanding
MOV Move, Moved, Moving, Movement
MOWP Method of Working Plan
MPD Maintenance Planning Data
MPI Magnetic Particle Inspection
MPL Multi-crew Pilot Licence
MPS Metres per Second
MPT Magnetic Particle Inspection Technician
MRB Maintenance Review Board
MRBR Maintenance Review Board Report
MRG Medium Range
MRO Maintenance, repair and overhaul
MRP ATS/MET Reporting Point
MS Minus
MSA Minimum sector altitude
MSAS Multi-function Transport Satellite (MTSAT) Satellite-based Augmentation System
MSDS Material Safety Data Sheets
MSG Maintenance Steering Group
MSG-3 Maintenance Steering Group Logic Process
MSI Maintenance Significant Item
MSL Mean Sea Level
MSSR Monopulse Secondary Surveillance Radar
MT Mountain
MTBF Mean Time Between Failure
MTBR Mean Time Between Removals
MTP Maximum Tyre Pressure
MTSAT Multi-function Transport Satellite
MTTF Mean Time To Failure
MTTR Mean Time To Repair
MWO Meteorological Watch Office
MX Mixed type of ice formation (white and clear)
N North, North Latitude
N1 or NG Gas Generator Speed
N2 Second Stage Turbine Speed
NAA National Airworthiness Authority (for a country other than Australia)
NAD Non-acqueous Developer
NAIPS National aeronautical information processing system
NANDTB National Aerospace Non-destructive Testing Board
NANU Notice Advisory to NavStar Users
NAP Noise Abatement Procedures
NAS National Airspace System
NASC National AIS System Centre
NAV Navigation
NAVAID Navigation Aid
NAWD Non-acqueous Wet Developer
NB Northbound
NBFR Not Before
NC No Change
NDB Non-directional Radio Beacon
NDDN National Drone Detection Network
NDI Non-destructive inspection
NDT Non-destructive testing
NE Northeast
NEAT National Emerging Aviation Technologies
NEG Negative, No. Permission not granted or, That is not correct
NFRM Notice of Final Rule Making
NGT Night
NIL None
NM Nautical Miles
NML Normal
NNE North North-East
NNW North North-West
NOF International NOTAM Office
NOSIG No Significant Change
NOTAM Notice To Airmen
NOZ Normal Operating Zone
NP Propeller Speed
NPA Non-precision approach (procedures at aerodromes)
NPC Notice of proposed change (consultation for amendment to a MOS)
NPRM Notice of proposed rule making
NSC Nil Significant Cloud
NTA No TAF Amendment
NTL National
NTS Negative Torque Sensing System
NTSB National Transportation Safety Board (of the USA)
NTZ No-transgression zone
NVD Night Vision Device
NVED Night Vision Enhancement Devices
NVET National vocational education and training
NVFR Night Visual Flight Rules
NVG Night Vision Goggles (by the MIL)
NVIS Night Vision Imaging Systems
NW North-West
NXT Next
NZ CAA New Zealand Civil Aviation Authority
NZS New Zealand Standard
O/R On Request
OAR Office of Airspace Regulation
OAT Outside Air Temperature
OBPR Office of Best Practice Regulation
OBS Omni Bearing Selector
OBS Observe, Observed, Observation
OBSC Obscure, Obscured, Obscuring
OBST Obstacle
OBSTR Obstruction
OC Operating Certificate
OCA Oceanic Control Area
OCA Obstacle Clearing Altitude
OCC Occulting (light)
OCH Obstacle Clearance Height
OCNL Occasional, Occasionally
OCTA Outside Control Area
OCTR Outside Control Zone
OEI One Engine Inoperative
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
OFZ Obstacle Free Zone
OHD Overhead
OHS Occupation Health and Safety
OHSMS Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems
OIS Obstacle Identification Surface
OLC Office of Legal Counsel
OLDI On-line Data Interchange
OLS Obstacle Limitation Surface
OM Operations Manual
OM Outer Marker
OPA Opaque, white type of ice formation
OPC Office of Parliamentary Counsel
OPMET Operational Meteorological
OPN Operational Notification Message (message type designator)
OPR Operator, Operate, Operative, Operating, Operational
OPS Operations
OSIP Overhaul and Special Inspections Periods
OT Other Times
OTAC Overseas Territories Aviation Circulars
OTAR Overseas Territories Aviation Requirements
OTLK Outlook (used in Sigmet messages for volcanic ash and tropical cyclones)
OTP On Top
OUBD Outboard
OVC Overcast
OW Over Water
P.. Prohibited Area (followed by identification)
PA Precision Approach
PAL Pilot Activated Lighting
PANS Procedures for Air Navigation Services
PANS-OPS Procedures for Air Navigation Services – Aircraft Operations ICAO Doc 8168 Vol I and II
PAPI Precision Approach Path Indicator
PAR Precision Approach Radar
PARL Parallel
PATC Precision Approach Terrain Chart (followed by name/title)
PAX Passengers
PBM Power Plant Build-Up Manual
PC Personal Computer
PCD Proceed, Proceeding
PCL Pilot Controlled Lighting
PCN Pavement classification number
PCT Practical consolidation training
PDC Pre-Departure Clearance
PDO Product distribution organisation
PDOP Positional Dilution of Precision
PDSE Pre-departure Service Check
PEC Pressure Error Correction
PERM Permanent
PFC Porous Friction Course
PFR Preferred Route
PIB Pre-flight information bulletin
PIC Pilot-in-command
PICUS Pilot-in-Command Under Supervision
PIFR Private IFR rating
PILS Practice ILS
PIREP Pilot Reports
PJE Parachute Jumping Exercise
PLN Flight Plan
PLVL Present Level
PMP Primary Maintenance Process
PN Prior Notice Required
PO Dust Devils
POB Persons on Board
POH Pilot Operating Handbook
POSS Possible
PPI Plan Position Indicator
PPL Private Pilot Licence
PPR Prior Permission Required
PPS Precise Positioning Service
PPSN Present Position
PRD Prohibited, Restricted and Danger Areas
PRFG Aerodrome Partially Covered by Fog (MET code)
PRI Primary
PRKG Parking
PRM Precision runway monitoring
PROB Probable, Probability
PROC Procedure
PROV Provisional
PS Plus
PSG Passing
PSN Position
PSP Pierced Steel Plank
PSR Primary Surveillance Radar
PSYS Pressure System(s)
PTBL Portable
PTN Procedure Turn
PTT Push To Talk
PVT Private
PWR Power
QDM Magnetic Heading (zero wind)
QDR Magnetic Bearing
QEC Quick Engine Change Unit
QFE An altimeter set to QFE will read zero when the aircraft is on the runway
QNH Altimeter subscale setting to obtain elevation or altitude
QTE True Bearing
QTG Qualification test guide
QUAD Quadrant
R Right (runway system identification)
R…. Restricted Area (followed by number)
R/T or RTF Radio Telephone
RA Rain
RA-Aus or RAAus Recreational Aviation Australia
RAAA Recreational Aviation Association of Australia
RAAO Recreational Aviation Administrative Organisation
RAC Rules of the Air and Air Traffic Services
RAD Radius
RAeS Royal Aeronautical Society
RAFC Regional Area Forecast Centre
RAG Runway Arresting Gear
RAI Runway Alignment Indicator
RAIM Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring
RAM Regional air mobility
RAM Repair and Maintenance
RAPIC Radar Picture (MET)
RAS Radar Advisory Service
RASF Regional Aviation Safety Forum
RAT RAM Air Turbine
RCA Request For Corrective Action
RCA Reach Cruising Altitude
RCC Rescue Coordination Centre
RCH Reach, Reaching
RCL Runway Centre Line
RCLL Runway Centre Line Lights
RCLM Runway Centre Line Marking
RDL Radial
RDO Radio
RDS Runway Distance Supplement
RE… Recent (used to qualify weather phenomena, eg RERA = recent rain)
REC Receive, Receiver, Received
REDL Runway Edge Lights
REF Reference to… Refer to…
REG Registration
RENL Runway End Lights
ReOC PRPA operator’s certificate
REP Report, Reported, Reporting, Reporting Point
RePL Remote pilot licence
REQ Request, Requested
RERTE Re-route
RES Reserve Fuel
RESA Runway end safety area
RESTR Restrictions
REV Review
RF Radio frequency
RFACA Royal Federation of Aero Clubs of Australia
RFC Regional Forecasting Centre (Met)
RFFS Rescue and Fire Fighting Services
RH Radio Height
RHC Right-hand Circuit
RIF Reclearance in Flight
RIFTO Restricted Instrument Flight Take-off
RIS Radar information service
RL Report Leaving
RLA Relay to
RLLS Runway Lead-in Lighting
RMIT Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology
RMK Remark(s)
RMS Root Mean Square
RNAV Area navigation
RNP Required navigation performance
RO Registered operator
ROBEX Regional OPMET Bulletin Exchanges
ROC Rate of Climb
ROD Rate of Descent
ROFOR Route Forecast (in aeronautical meteorological code)
RPA Remotely piloted aircraft
RPA Rules and practices for aerodromes
RPAS Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems
RPI Runway Point of Intercept
RPI Radar Position Indicator
RPI Regulatory Performance Indicator
RPL Recreational Pilot Licence
RPM Revolutions Per Minute
RPS Remote pilot station
RPT Regular Public Transport
RQ Require(d)
RQMNTS Requirements
RR Report Reaching
RRM Routine Reportable Matters
RSC Rescue Sub-Centre
RSCD Runway Surface Condition
RSP Responder Beacon
RSR En route Surveillance Radar
RTB Return to Base
RTCA Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics
RTE Route
RTHL Runway Threshold Light(s)
RTIL Runway Threshold Identification Lights
RTN Return, Returned, Returning
RTO Registered training organisation
RTO Rejected take-off
RTS Return to Service
RTZL Runway Touchdown Zone Light(s)
RVR Runway visual range
RVSM Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum
RWS Runway Strip
RWY Runway
S South, South Latitude
S-I Straight-In
S/E Single-engine
SA Situation Awareness
SA Sand
SA Special Authorisation
SAAA Sport Aircraft Association of Australia
SAF Sustainable Aviation Fuels
SAIL Specific assurance and integrity levels
SAL Supplementary Airline Licence
SALR Saturated Adiabatic Lapse Rate
SALS Simple Approach Lighting System
SAR Search and Rescue
SARPs Standards and Recommended Practices
SARTIME Time search action required
SARWATCH Search and Rescue Watch
SATCOM Satellite Communication
SB Southbound
SB Service Bulletin
SBAS Satellite Based Augmentation System
SC Stratocumulus
SCC Standards Consultative Committee
SCP Safety Critical Personnel
SCT Scattered (meteorological)
SDBY Standby
SDC Standard Departure Clearance
SDR Service difficulty report
SE South East
SEA Sea (used in connection with sea-surface temperature and state of the sea)
SEACO Single engine aircraft only
SEC Seconds
SECN Section
SECT Sector
SELCAL Selective Calling System
SER Service, Servicing, Served
SEV Severe (used eg to qualify icing and turbulence report)
SFC Surface
SFL Sequenced Flashing Lights
SG Snow Grains
SH… Showers
SHF Super High Frequency (3,000 to 30,000 MHZ)
SHP Shaft Horse Power
SID Standard instrument departure
SIF Selective Identification
SIG Significant
SIGMET Information concerning en route weather phenomena which may affect the safety of aircraft operations
SIL Service Information Letter
SIMUL Simultaneous, or Simultaneously
SKC Sky Clear
SKED Schedule, Scheduled
SL Service Letter
SLP Speed Limiting Point
SLW Slow, Slowly
SM Safety Manager
SMC Surface Movement Control
SMR Surface Movement Radar
SMS Safety management system
SN Snow
SNOWTAM A special series NOTAM announcing hazardous conditions or removal related to snow, ice, slush, or standing water on the movement area.
SOC Start of Climb
SOE Schedule of experience
SOM (soM) System of Maintenance
SOPs Standard Operating Procedures
SOR Summary of responses
SORA Specific operations risk assessment
SOT Start of TORA (take-off)
SP Single Pilot
SPA Sport Aviation
SPECI Aviation Special Weather (in aeronautical meteorological code)
SPFIB Specific Preflight Information Bulletin
SPOT Spotwind
SPS Standard Positioning Service
SQ Squall
SR Sunrise
SRB Safety Review Board
SRD Standard Radar Departure
SRG Short Range
SRM Structural Repair Manual
SRR Search and Rescue Region
SS Sandstorm
SS Sunset
SSA System safety assessment
SSB Single Sideband
SSCRO Senate Standing Committee on Regulations and Ordinances
SSE South South-East
SSI Structural Significant Item
SSM System Schematics Manual
SSW South South-West
ST Stratus
STA Straight in Approach
STAR Standard instrumental arrival
STAR Standard Arrival Route
STARs Standard terminal arrival routes
STC Supplemental Type Certificate
STD Synthetic training device
STD Standard
STF Stratiform
STN Station
STNR Stationary
STODA Supplementary Take-off Distance
STOL Short Take-off and Landing
STS Status
STWL Stopway Light(s)
SUBJ Subject to
SUP Supplement (AIP Supplement)
SUPPS Regional Supplementary Procedures
SVCBL Serviceable
SVY Survey Operations
SW South-West
SWS Soft Wet Surface
SWY Stopway
T Temperature
TA Traffic advisory
TA Transition Altitude
TAAATS The Australian Advanced Air Traffic System
TAAM Airservices Australia’s Total Airspace Airport and Aerodrome Modeller
TAC Terminal Area Chart
TACAN Tactical Air Navigation Aid
TAF Terminal Area Forecast; Aerodrome Forecast
TAIL Tailwind
TAR Terminal Area Surveillance Area
TAS True Airspeed
TAT Terminal Area Thunderstorm Service (meteorological term)
TAWS Terrain awareness and warning system
TAWS-B+ System Terrain awareness and warning system
TAX Taxiing, Taxi
TBA To be advised
TBO Time Between Overhauls
TC Type Certificate
TCAC Tropical Cyclone Advisory Centre
TCAS Traffic alert and collision avoidance system
TCDS Type certificate data sheet
TCH Threshold Crossing Height
TCO Training and Checking Organisation
TCTA Trans-continental Control Area
TCU Towering Cumulus (met)
TDO Tornado
TDZ Touchdown Zone
TECR Technical Reason
TEL Telephone
TEM Tool And Equipment Manual (Illustrated)
TEM Threat and Error Management
TERPs Terminal and En-route procedures
TFC Traffic
TFR Terrain Following Radar (by the MIL)
TGL Touch & Go Landing
TGS Taxiing Guidance System
THR Threshold
THRU Through
TIBA Traffic Information Broadcasts by Aircraft
TIL Until
TIP Until Past (place)
TIS Time in service
TKOF Take-off
TLOF Touchdown and lift-off area
TLS Transponder Landing System
TLW Time Limited WIP (work in progress)
TMA Terminal Control Area
TMG Track Made Good
TNA Training Needs Analysis
TNA Turn Altitude
TNH Turn Height
TNS Transitional Surface
TOC Top of Climb
TODA Take-off distance available
TOP Cloud Top
TORA Take-off run available
TOT Turbine Outlet Temperature
TP Turning Point
TR Track
TRA Temporary Reserved Airspace
TRAN Transition
TRANS Transmits, Transmitter
Transport Canada Transport Canada
TRL Transition Level
TROP Tropopause
TS… Thunderstorm
TSI Time Since Installation
TSO Technical Standard Order
TTF Trend Type Forecast
TURB Turbulence
TWG Technical working group
TWR Aerodrome Control Tower, Aerodrome Control
TWY Taxiway
TWYL Taxiway Link
TYP Type of Aircraft
TYPH Typhoon
U/S Unserviceable
UAB Until Advised By
UAM Urban air mobility
UAS Unmanned aerial system (UAV/RPAS)
UAV Unmanned aerial vehicles
UDF UHF Direction Finding Stations
UFIT Uncontrolled Flight Into Terrain
UFN Until Further Notice
UHDT Unable Higher Due Traffic
UHF Ultra High Frequency (300 to 3,000 MHZ)
UIR Upper Flight Information Region
UL Upper Limits
UNA Unable
UNAP Unable to Approve
UNICOM Universal Communication
UNL Unlimited
UNLC Unlicensed
UNREL Unreliable
UOC Unmanned operating certificate
US FAR Federal Aviation Regulations (of the USA)
UTA Upper Control Area
UTC Coordinated Universal Time
UTM Uncrewed Aircraft Systems Traffic Management
V Velocity
V1 Take-off Decision Speed
V2 Take-off Safety Speed (Applicable to Larger Multi-engine Aircraft)
VA Maximum Manoeuvring Speed
VA Volcanic Ash
VAA-H Visual Approach Area – Helicopter
VAAC Volcanic Ash Advisory Centre
VAC Visual Approach Chart (followed by name/title)
VAL In Valleys
VAR Magnetic Variation
VASIS Visual Approach Slope Indicator System
VC Vicinity of the aerodrome
VCY Vicinity
VDF VHF Direction Finding Station
VEC Visual En-route Chart
VER Vertical
VFE Flap Extension Speed
VFR Visual flight rules
VHF Very High Frequency (30 to 300 MHZ)
VHFCOM Very High Frequency Communication
VIA By way of…
VIMD Maximum Drag Speed
VIP Very Important Person
VIS Visibility
VLE Maximum Speed with Landing Gear Extended
VLF Very Low Frequency (3 to 30 KHZ)
VLJ Very Light Jet
VLO Landing Gear Operating
VLO2 Landing Gear Operation Down
VLOS Visual line of sight
VLR Very Long Range
VMAN Velocity Manoeuvre Speed
VMC Minimum Control Speed
VMC Visual Meteorological Conditions
VMCA Minimum Control Airspeed Airborne (Red line speed)
VMCG Minimum Control Airspeed on the Ground
VMO Maximum Structural Cruising Speed
VNAV Vertical Navigation
VNE Never Exceed Speed
VNO Normal Operating Speed
VOLMET Meteorological Information for Aircraft in Flight
VOR VHF Omni-directional Radio Range (OMNI)
VP Variable Pitch Propellers
VR The speed at which the aircraft is rotated to lift off from the runway
VRB Variable
VSI Vertical Speed Indicator
VSI Clean Stall Speed
VSL Vertical speed limit
VSO Stalling speed, minimum steady flight speed in the landing configuration
VSO Stall speed with undercarriage and flap selected
VSSE Safe single-engine Speed
VTC Visual Terminal Chart
VTOL Vertical take-off and landing
VTOSS Take-off Safely Speed
VX Best Angle of Climb Speed
VXSE Best Single-engine Angle of Climb Speed
Vy Best Rate of Climb Speed
VYSE Best Single-engine Rate of Climb Speed (Blue line speed)
W West, West Longitude
W/V Wind Velocity
WAAS Wide Area Augmentation System
WAC World Aeronautical Chart ICAO 1:1,000,000 (followed by name/title)
WAFC World Area Forecast Centre
WAFS World Area Forecast System
WATIR Weather and Terminal Information Reciter
WB Westbound
WBM Weight And Balance Manual
WDI Wind Direction Indicator
WED Wednesday
WEF With Effect From, Effective From
WGS-84 World Geodetic System 1984
WI Within
WID Width
WIE With Immediate Effect, Effective Immediately
WILCO Will Comply
WIP Work in Progress
WKN Weaken, Weakening
WM Wiring Manual
WMO World Meteorological Organisation
WO Without
WPT Way-point
WRNG Warning
WS Wind Shear
WSW West South-West
WT Weight
WTSPT Water Spout
WX Weather
X Cross runway
XBAR Crossbar (of approach lighting system)
XNG Crossing
XS Atmospherics
XSEC Extra Section
Y Yellow
YR Your/s
Z Coordinated Universal Time (in meteorological messages)